The struggle of a low-income family to live in the face of impending starvation is the theme of John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath,” which he wrote and published. The difficulties a single family had in the 1930s due to the Dust Bowl are the primary subject of the narrative. When the family runs out of money and is unclear about what to do next, they look for a high-paying job in California that would allow them to establish a new life for themselves. The Grapes of Wrath, a book based on a real incident, illustrates the disastrous impact of greed and corruption on working-class communities (in this case, farmers).
The Joad family’s struggle for a meaningful and rewarding existence is described in the novel “The Grapes of Wrath” by an omniscient third-person narrator who offers an outsider’s viewpoint. They are prepared to take on whatever risk is required to get a job, earn money to support themselves, and purchase the necessary items. Despite several failures, they have been most successful while working as a single, large family. In this article, you can download The Grapes of Wrath PDF
Book | The Grapes of Wrath |
Author | John Steinbeck |
Publisher | Penguin |
Language | English |
Pages | 544 |
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The Grapes of Wrath summary
The Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939, is often cited as the author’s most well-known work of art. The Joad family of Oklahoma was forced to leave their farm and start over in the 1930s due to a dust storm that ruined the state’s agricultural production. They had to give up their land in Oklahoma. After their father dies, the Joad family decides to go to California to start over and find employment. They go throughout the country, being pursued by hostile authorities threatening them.
However, the situation has already become intolerably worse by the time they get there. They are compelled to live in filthy temporary settlements, so they have no choice but to discover that employment for migrants is difficult to get and pays little. They also misunderstand this. The authorities are allowed to punish the people in any way they see appropriate, except for a limited stint spent in a facility run by the government. After being forced to escape with his family and go into hiding, Tom Joad murders himself to get revenge on the police officer who killed his close friend. He feels that since the police were involved in his friend’s murder, he is left with no choice but to act this way. The story’s turning point is the storm that compels the family to take refuge in an old barn with a famished father and his little son and destroys their last valuables. It is based on the first Penguin Classics version of the book, released in 2000 and used to create this guide.
Tom Joad returns to the Oklahoma home he and his parents lived in before being arrested and sentenced to prison. Along the journey, he meets Casy, a former neighbor who is now the local preacher. It turns out that Muley is the only person living in his hamlet, and Tom’s former family house has been abandoned. After most of the local farmers were compelled to leave, Tom’s family relocated to the land owned by his uncle John. The banks have also advised Tom that most other area farmers have been forced to vacate their homes. Tom discovers upon his arrival that they have purchased a truck and are on their way to California in quest of employment. This is great news for Tom. After selling whatever items they cannot carry, they go to their final destination.
While traveling west on Route 66, the Joads come upon a broken-down vehicle driven by the Wilsons. Al offered to help Tom’s family with the car after Tom had carried the Joads’ elderly grandpa inside the tent to pass away. They’ve determined that going on a group excursion is the best line of action. Despite this, the automobile unexpectedly broke down while they were driving. They debated whether or not Tom, Al, and Casy should follow the others before deciding to do so. After much deliberation, they’ve decided to leave Tom, Al, and Casy behind. After considerable deliberation, it was determined that Tom, Al, and Casy should stay behind while the remainder of the group moved forward. They see an odd “ragged figure” while waiting at a nearby camp. Er explains that he left California after seeing his wife and kids starving to death. That, according to him, is the reason he is returning.
The Joad family breaks beside a river not far from the California/Mexico border. While driving, they explain to a man and his little kid headed back east how poorly treated migrant workers are in California. They also convey the contempt that the locals feel for the new immigrants. Due to Sairy Wilson’s deteriorating health, the family has opted to remain in their current location. Grandma’s death is not disclosed to the Joads until they arrive at their destination in California; they are not informed while traveling. After that, they go to an unpleasant, filthy immigration camp. Tom learns of the government’s brutal reaction to any protests against the exploitation of migrants from Floyd, one of the refugees he meets. Floyd warns Tom that the authorities will see this demonstration as a crime. When Floyd gets into a dispute with a labor contractor looking for workers to pick fruit in the north, the officer in charge attempts to take Floyd into custody. Out of concern for Floyd, he inquires about his tax burden. Casy’s actions cause Tom to go into hiding, which results in a conflict for which Casy is held responsible. Casy takes responsibility for the incident when this sets it off and causes it to occur. As a consequence of the event, Casy is being kept in jail.
The family is subsequently relocated to a camp that the government governs. The standard of living has significantly increased, as seen by law enforcement and flowing water. To cause disturbance and give the authorities an excuse to clear the camp, operatives working for the landowners target the camp’s Saturday night dance every week. To retrieve their land, they want the police to disperse the camp. To find work, the Joads will have to relocate. Despite the protesters outside and the poor pay and working conditions, they are forced to work as strike breakers on a fruit farm. Any of these two elements might cause poor working circumstances. As he returns to the demonstrators, Casy informs him that the strike is being staged in protest of salary reductions.
Law enforcement authorities then begin their search for Tom and Casy. During the police operation ending in Casy’s death, Tom avenges his assailant by killing him. They may quit the property and get employment picking cotton while Tom continues to operate nearby as an undercover spy. Tom’s role in the officer’s murder was mistakenly made public, forcing him to live the remainder of his life apart from his family. He wants to fight for migrant workers’ rights and become a human rights activist, but not before telling his mother. This happened before the present circumstance. When inclement weather occurs, the new box-car house of the Joad family floods. This happens as a result of the previous occurrence. Their goal is to hide out in a barn on a hill. When they arrive, they find a little kid curled up close to a very underweight father who depends on his son’s milk to live. The child’s survival depends on the father. The anonymous individual may drink the milk of Rose of Sharon, one of Tom’s sisters, who recently gave birth to a stillborn infant. The newborn was delivered a few days ago, according to Rose of Sharon.