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In addition to hosting the National Geographic program “Crowd Control,” which examined human behaviour, Daniel Pink also acted as a co-executive producer. He often makes appearances on various radio and television networks in the US and abroad. Daniel has written for Fast Company, Wired, and The Sunday Telegraph as a contributing editor and business writer. Additional publications include The New Republic, Harvard Business Review, and Slate. His works and concepts have also appeared in many other journals. He also had the chance to research the Japanese comic book industry while residing in Tokyo thanks to the Japan Society Media Fellowship. Daniel Pink was named the sixth-most significant management thinker in the world in 2019 by the London-based Thinkers 50 publication. In this article you can download the Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us PDF version.

BookDrive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
AuthorDaniel H. Pink
Publisher Riverhead Books
Language English 
Pages 288

Summary of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us


“Motivation 1.0 felt that humans were biological creatures, striving to meet our basic needs for food, security, and sex,” writes Daniel Pink in his book. Motivation 1.0 worked well up to a certain point. Humans were compelled to connect with strangers and work together to achieve tasks as they built more sophisticated societies. This biological drive-based operating system was fundamentally deficient. There were times when we had to learn how to control this need in order to stay on the right side of the law. We ultimately arrived at Motivation 2.0 as a consequence of this incremental growth.

Consequences might be positive or unfavorable.

People are more than the sum of their intrinsic desires, according to the central tenet of Motivation 2.0. It might also mean that humans aren’t really that different from horses after all. You may nudge us in the proper direction by waving a stick our way or by dangling a more appetizing carrot in front of us. This operating system’s efficiency more than made up for its lack of illumination. It worked perfectly up to a certain point.

Motivation 2.0 is incompatible with how we organize ourselves and carry out our tasks, according to studies. The “carrot and stick” approach of motivation 2.0, according to Daniel Pink, is unsuccessful.

Work Algorithms are Reduced Put in

Early 20th-century thinker Frederick Taylor likened employees to the parts of a complicated machine. This demonstrates one of his scientific management cornerstones. This suggests that positive behaviors may be controlled by using the proper incentives and punishments. This kind of thinking still has a significant influence on how many businesses handle personnel management. Workers are far less likely to do repetitive or mechanical tasks. Dan Pink refers to these roles as “algorithmic labor.” It’s probable that certain external variables continue to have some influence on the declining proportion of occupations classified as algorithmic labour.

the difficulty level increasing

Since Taylor initially outlined his idea of scientific management, the nature of work has undergone tremendous change. The nature of labour will also keep evolving and become more complicated as technology progresses. As a result of this tendency, we get less instructions from our supervisors and coworkers. Management and motivational strategies will need to adapt as a direct consequence of this.

The Undisputed Reality of Human Behavior Is True Motivators

Dan Pink contends that our behavior is not always determined by circumstances beyond our control. Decisions are more influenced by one’s own ideas and emotions than by those of others. For instance, we are more inclined to be inspired by professions that provide little or no financial reward. It takes time and a lot of practice to become an expert on an instrument. In addition, a considerable percentage of people choose to work in low-paying fields like nursing or teaching while still making a major difference.

According to the Motivation 2.0 hypothesis, people respond to rewards and punishments. This method, although excellent for routinely finishing things, is incompatible with how we go about our everyday lives. A review meeting is necessary. The third theory of motivation holds that individuals are motivated by a desire to learn, to create, and to improve their environment.

External motivators have the ability to easily stifle intrinsic drive.

Research by Daniel Pink suggests that adopting external incentives may have important benefits. The second possibility, if you dig a little further, is that they may carry out your request exactly the other way. Soon, the desire for an external reward may be the only driving force behind participating in a certain activity. When this occurs, the sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing a job is lost. Research shows that companies that get incentives from outside sources are more prone to make mistakes than those that do not.

Unexpected Motivators could be detrimental to long-term performance.

When employing external motivators, mistakes are probably going to happen more often. Long-term, nevertheless, they could stop growth. 51 research on pay-for-performance programmes in firms allegedly underwent analysis and evaluation for this study, according to the London School of Economics. According to these findings, financial incentives have a negative impact on employee performance levels. Long-term performance decreases greatly because success is only defined in terms of obtaining an external reward. In the absence of such a motivator, commitment levels will noticeably fall.

Innovation could be hampered by unrelated goals.

Financial rewards are often contingent upon achieving certain goals. As a result, instead of being rewarded for going above and beyond, employees are driven to give their all. Larger perspectives are thus often ignored since they don’t provide anything beneficial. The unintended consequence of this is a decline in creative productivity.

A person’s constructive behavior could be suppressed by extrinsic motivators.

Many psychologists and sociologists believe that paying someone to carry out a good action lowers the frequency of good acts. For instance, fewer people are prepared to give blood when money is at stake.

 Extrinsic factors may promote dishonest behavior.

If extrinsic incentives are provided, people could use shortcuts to achieve their goals. This might have negative consequences, much as the enron fraud case. If given financial incentives, a socially conscious business may turn into one that will do whatever it takes to boost its profits.

You might become dependent on outside inspiration.

The addictive potential of external motivators like monetary incentives has been shown in several research. They function in a similar way to other addictions, such drug consumption. The more regularly you get gifts from the outside world, the more eager you will be to open them. Drug addicts progressively lose access to the same extrinsic rewards that they rely on to maintain their addiction. You begin to rely more on rewards provided by others to keep you motivated. Motivation may weaken if outside incentives are removed from the equation.

Unrelated motivators may be used to help achieve short-term objectives.

Businesses whose owners spend the most time and energy anticipating quarterly earnings develop more slowly over the long run than those that don’t. A short-term outcomes focus is harmful to long-term performance due to the influence on external circumstances.


The author uses Atlassian, an Australian software company, as an example. An whole day of free time was granted to Atlassian’s software engineers (they were paid to work on whatever code they wanted). Numerous unique product ideas were developed during this period, along with hundreds of creative answers to long-standing problems.

According to Daniel Pink, it’s all about the people, stated Mike Cannon-Brookes, co-founder of Atlassian. “Employees may leave your company if pay is insufficient. Other than that, money isn’t a motivating factor. People are more motivated by autonomy at work than by equal pay.

Your yearning for autonomy may be sated by allowing yourself and others some degree of freedom within a rigid framework. If you want to be more specific, provide a variety of jobs and approaches in addition to the chance to collaborate on other projects. Selecting the task, the time, the technique, and the team is one of the “four Ts” of autonomy, according to author Daniel Pink.

Control promotes conformity; liberty promotes engagement, as the adage goes. Daniel Pink is well-known by that name. It should be up to each person to decide how, when, and on what they want to do with their time. It’s important to be independent. Many companies have created innovative and creative autonomous adoption strategies that have enabled them to outperform the competition.

Google is a simple example that comes to mind. Google wants its employees to develop a sense of freedom. For one-fifth of their whole workday, people are free to work on whatever project they like. Many of Google’s products, like Gmail and Google News, have found success as a result of the company’s independence.

 This does not imply that you should neglect your obligations, but it does imply that you should promote autonomy. Compliance requires both control and autonomy, but only autonomy may result in involvement. Motivation 2.0 expects conformity. But for motivation 3.0, engagement is required. A talent can only be honed by active participation.


Green Cargo, a Swedish shipping company, wants to upgrade its method for assessing employee performance. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist, made a crucial discovery. If you want to be more exact, only allocate workers to tasks that are just a little bit over their current skill level. People are more interested, motivated, and innovative as a result of this mental state, which straddles boredom and worry.

Green Cargo used Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s study by changing the way they evaluated performance. Supervisors are now required to add a question in every performance review asking workers whether they feel overworked or uninspired by their current job. To provide their employees “exactly the right” job assignments, managers must work in conjunction with their team members. To produce work projects that are challenging yet attainable, one must strike a balance between the targeted degree of difficulty and one’s level of knowledge.

Does Flow Affect How Green Cargo is Created?

Which outcomes were produced by the new Green Cargo performance assessment methodology? Employees said that they were more enthusiastic about their work as a result of feeling more in charge of it. After using these new performance assessments for two years, Green Cargo made a profit for the first time in 125 years of operation.

“The gap between what is expected of people and what they are capable of achieving is a common cause of workplace irritation. When demands on one’s time and resources exceed one’s ability to satisfy them, anxiety is a common reaction. People get disinterested as a result of the tasks they are given not being hard enough. However, if everything goes according to plan, the final result might be nothing less than stunning.” Pink, Daniel”

The possibility of career advancement often proves to be the most driving factor in a vocation. You must now choose where to begin your journey toward mastery. Of course, the correct response is flow.

We can only perform and enjoy to the most of our ability when jobs are appropriately challenging. A Goldilocks project is just what each of us needs in place of a dull daily agenda. Make a goal for yourself, but see it through. Activities that are too simple prohibit us from growing. Because of the complexity of the issue and the difficulty of the work, we get paralyzed and overwhelmed. In this article you can download the Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us PDF version.

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